Monday, 1 October 2012

Golf Tips for Nasty Swingers

Most golfers have difficulty executing a good golf swing.  If you are one of those that belong to the 99.9% that makes nasty swings, I offer you some golf tips, as there are a number of possible reasons for this.

To help you remedy some of these problems, this article offers some golf tips for specific difficulties experienced by novice and average players.

However, what if you are playing a lot but cannot improve your strokes or hits?  Take this golf tip, it is best for you to go back to the fundamentals of the sport.  Most problems start from improper stance and grip.  Identify the strokes that cause you the most problems and focus on improving those strokes.  Check your tempo.  A good golfer has proper coordination of the moving parts of the body.  Speed and timing are also important factors for a good shot.  See to it that you are not too anxious while hitting the ball.  When you miss, then try again, this time relax yourself.

Once your stance, grip, and timing are corrected, you will see an improvement in your golf swing.  In addition to the above, other factors need to be considered and corrected to improve your golf swing.

One of the scariest problems in golf is when the ball crazily turns to either the right or left.  This is due to misalignment in the body and the swing plane.  To alleviate this problem, do not stand to too close to the ball and shift your weight on your heels.

When hitting the ball, avoid swaying your body.  Any unnecessary movements may result to incorrect shots.  It is but natural to move your body during stroking, but minimize side-to-side movements.  Keep your feet together while hitting the ball as this will minimize body movement.

Also, consciously shift your weight, trying to keep your weight in your heels.  Keep a constant pace on hitting the ball, don't decelerate as you make the down swing.  Be wary of hitting the ground before the ball, this is called “fat shots” that may lead to injuries.

Do you have bad games because you often push or pull the ball?  Then check the distance of the ball and your stance. Make sure that your body is parallel to the target line.  For pulling shots, ensure your self of enough coils while making your back swing.

Avoid looking up while hitting the ball, again focus on your hit.  See to it that you do not take your eyes away from the ball until it disappears after a shot.  Do not be anxious as to where your ball will go.  Many golfers say that this is their number one mistake.

Other golf tips are:

·    Learn to relax your body, and always make a full turn.  Do not swing at the ball, swing through it.

·    Too steep a swing path may often smash you tees into the ground.  Do not  allow your hands to get far ahead of the club head when attempting to make a hit. Also, make your shallow swing constant and back swing, shallow.

The game of golf can be an enjoyable sport for the whole family.  With a bit of practice and patience anyone can learn the game.
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Click for more information The Ultimake Guide to Golf

Golf Tips For A Better Golf Swing

Golfing can be an expensive past time, especially if you have to take golf lessons to boot. Taking golf lessons gives you the ability to have someone guide you and spot critical mistakes in your golf swing. There is another alternative to golf lessons even though golf lessons are the fastest and best way to a better golf game.

There is a lot of good reading material on the Internet that helps in solving your slice, hook, or whatever problem you have getting the golf ball to the hole. Taking a good golf book seriously and implementing the instructions on the course will turn your game around in no time. If your having trouble breaking 100, 90, and even 80. This article has a few tips on reaching your goals at your own pace.

Whatever book you decide to choose on the Internet or local store, read the chapters over several times before you take these instructions on the practice range. Practice at least three times a week. There are a few points to keep in mind when practicing any kind of new golf swing that amateurs tend to overlook.

Consider the slope of terrain that you are implementing your new golf swing. Take a large bucket of balls and practice the swing with different slope positions. Swing easy at first, then gradually step up to your normal swing speed. You’re not always going to have a flat lie out on the golf course. It may take half dozen balls or more to get comfortable with different types of fairway slopes, but once you follow the book closely and practice, you will soon overcome any problems at first. Be persistent!

Choose the shorter clubs first and gradually work your way to the driver. Do not leave any club in the bag. Practice them all. If you’re having trouble with a longer club, do not skip it and move past. Pause with the lesser club and go backwards until you gain confidence to move back to the golf club you dislike hitting. Pause at the club before and keep hitting it until you feel confident to play the golf club your having problems with.

Always shoot towards a target and always keep the distance in mind for each golf club. You will eventually have stronger wrists and arms as you progress through a full month of practicing three times a week. The distance will change as you move forward in your persistent self-golf training. The golf holes will get shorter. As you read through your golf book, look for tips on choking down on the club to take a little distance off your newfound power.

Find a nice quiet place to practice your short game. You need to be at least 100 yards out and work your way in with the putter being the last club to practice. If you are not hitting the greens, you must know how to chip and play out of bunkers. Mastering your short game will also take a bundle of golf strokes off your game.

Practicing your golf swing as much as three times a week for at least 1 month, and reading up on golf swing instructions will eventually move you towards a much lower scorecard if you are persistent with your goals.
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Click for more information The Ultimake Guide to Golf

Golf Tips Discover The Magic

Golf is a physical and a mental game. There are many ways to impove your game. You can improve your swing, your putting, and your shot.
We will look at a variety of tips for different facets of your game. These are tips for the beginner but a pro could conceivably benefit from their use.

Golf will get you outdoors and will get you moving. The combination of physical and mental activity will keep you sharp.  Every course and every shot is different. You don't  have to shoot par or have a perfect game to have fun. . It is a contest primarily with yourself to see if you can use your understanding of the game and your practices to improve on your game.

The most obvious way of improving your game is to take some golf lessons preferably from a pro. What you learn in the lessons you will be able to put to use on the course. If money is a concern consider group lessons. Not only can they be fun but it would lower your cost somewhat.

The first thing many people want to do is go out and get a set of their very own clubs. As exciting as this may be, clubs and other golf equipment can be costly. Ask around to see if someone you know has an old set lying around that you could borrow for awhile.  Go to second hand stores sometimes you will find them there. I would give it careful consideration before you went to the expense of investing in all this equipment. Give yourself time to decide if you are going to stick with the game.

Now that you have decided to stick with the game your pro or your local Golf Club store will most likely take a look at your swing and take some measurements. They can then advise you on what would be the best type of equipment for your needs.

Don't go out on a course until you complete all your lessons. If you are slow it could bother other golfers that are coming behind you. It is important to know the basic rules and terms of Golf.  For example did you know that when someone says  “You're away.” that they are telling you it is your turn? 

As in most situations, a certain type of etiquette is found in golf. Here are a number of tips to help you.

Show up on time for your game. If you are late you can keep others from being able to start their game.

Observe the orders of the club. Jeans and tee shirts are not usually allowed. Shirts with collars are seen in most clubs.

Some clubs frown on changing your shoes in the parking lot. They prefer all changing to be done in the locker rooms.

     Leave your cell phone at home or in your car.
Contrary to what you see on TV business deals are not made on the golf course. 
Honesty and courtesy is very important.

Learn the basic rules of the course and club.

Adhere to the order of play. Sometimes  they will use ready play which means when you are ready you play. Who goes first is decided on     by a flip of a coin who starts at the first tee. On subsequent holes the person with the best score on the previous hole goes first on the next one.

When another player is shooting you must be absolutely quiet.  Any noise or sounds can distract the golfer and cause a missed shot.

When it is your turn do not delay; keep the flow of the game going.

When you hit the ball be careful. It is Golf's worse offense if you hit a group of golfers that are ahead of you.

If you are looking for more detailed information you do an internet search. There are all kinds of available resources for you regarding equipment, tips and the history of the game. If you know the rules of the game and on the courses you play you will have a great. Even if you do not play for competition golf is still a fun game.
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Click for more information The Ultimake Guide to Golf

Golf Tips Around Trees On The Golf Course

Playing a golf shot from behind a tree or a hazard leaves several choices for the golfer. Having several choices surely can create a big problem. Most salesmen will tell you, leaving too many choices on the table can confuse the sale. I know that I am way off topic here, but having more than a couple of choices can really slow down the decision making process, and trying to sell yourself can be quite the task at times. Especially when there is a golf stroke involved. That is were a question and answer period has to take place, and if you’re trying to sell yourself the thought of making it around, through or over the tree in front of you, good luck!

Do you attempt to go over the hazard? Do you attempt to go around the tree from either side? The other alternative would be to go under the hazard. The safe golf shot would probably be to chip out of trouble, but a lot of us have like to go for the gold. Lets chip away at our options by asking a few simple questions and try coming up with a simple solution.

I’m sure this situation is a common problem for a lot of golfers, unless you hit the perfect golf shot all the time, and even a perfect golf shot down the middle of the fairway may land you behind trees that grow in the middle of fairways on some golf courses. To make a smart decision, you have to look at all your options and come to a reasonable decision on any attempt on trying to reach the green from behind trees. Taking your time on the decision making process is of great importance. Let us put a few options out in the open and see if we can make a wise decision.

First and foremost importance is choosing the right golf club. Ball placement distance to green has to be determined if you plan on going for the green. Let us assume that you’re 169 yards away from the middle of the green and it’s the perfect distance for your 6 iron. We also came to the conclusion that in order to climb the tree in front of you, the 6 iron will not be enough club because of the height to get over the tree, therefore you may have to take a golf club with more loft and less distance and lean into the shot to make up for the distance.

One way of determining if you have enough loft is to stand behind the tree with the golf club in hand and place the golf club head on the ground with the face of the club towards you, and put the bottom of your foot on it and let the grip go. If the tip of the golf club shaft points up and over the tree, chances are the loft of the golf club is enough to go over the tree. If the tip if the golf club points at any part of the tree, chances are you need a loftier club. You may want to practice picking up the golf club head right away on the take-away to get more height from your golf clubs.

If you decide to do the opposite, and attempt to go under the tree, you have to do the extreme opposite with a more closed faced golf club, like a 3 iron, 4iron, 5 iron and maybe a low driver off of the grass depending on your lie. You may want to choke down on the golf club to take a little distance off the ball flight. Again more decisions have to be thought out, depending on how low the branches hang from the ground.

Another alternative would be to try and go around the obstacle. Going up and over or around the hazard will always make the golfer reach for a longer club because of the added distance. If you decide to go around the hazard, you have to make sure the golf ball does not go straight and you’re not going to end up in more trouble, unless you know how to maneuver the golf ball at will. Typically depending on side of the obstacle you decide to go, you may have to open or close the clubface to manipulate the direction of ball flight. If you must attempt to go around, assure yourself that you can spare the couple extra strokes it may cost you to end up right back where you started if you hit it straight out of bounds.

 I know being positive is the way to think, but it’s okay to face the possibility of human error to keep us within our capabilities. Staring the situation down with the least amount of fear is the positive mindset that we all like to play. Question you have to ask yourself in that moment of greatness; what is my handicap? Once you’re comfortable and honest with your answer, think no more! Take the shot!

Taking your time and going through a couple simple questions could help you save strokes. Try to avoid making quick decisions on the golf course. Try not to forget that you are paying and playing for the enjoyment of being out on the course. You have every right to take the time on the golf shot within reason. Other golfers do not like to play behind slow golfers either. If you think you have to rush the golf shot, it does not become enjoyment any longer. Talk to your group of golfers and possibly let the group behind you play through if you feel rushed.
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Click for more information The Ultimake Guide to Golf

Golf Tips: The Simple Secret To Solving The Slice

The slice is a shot which usually starts off slightly to the left, then swerves to the right in the air. The slice is a common fault that occurs in many beginners game and has to be one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a golfer. In most cases, the slice is uncontrollable and is destructive more often than not resulting in the ball being sent deep into the rough. It is also far more common than the hook which occurs when the ball does the opposite through the air.

Ways to cure the slice:

Firstly, make sure your body alignment is correct, your shoulders, chest hips and feet should all be parallel to each other as well as parallel to the ball to pin line. If your body is not aligned correctly and is aiming too far to the left, the upper body can not and does not rotate properly. This leads to an ‘out to in’ swing which means that the club will not be hitting through the ball but instead will be moving from outside the ball to inside the ball as the impact takes place. The consequence of this is side spin being generated on the ball and the dreaded uncontrollable slice follows.

Even if your alignment, swing and grip are perfect, the positioning of the ball in the stance can make a good straight shot into a shot that slices wildly out of play. This occurs when the ball is placed too far forward in the stance.

Once again the slicing of the ball occurs because the club face is no longer square on at impact with the ball. This is because the club face has come past square and is moving in from the ball to pin line, this again generates side spin resulting in the ball slicing again.

Ideal ball placement is different for every club, but this is a rough guide:

For woods and long irons, the ball should be placed inline with the inside of your left heel (opposite for left hand players), for short irons place the ball in the centre of the stance, for medium irons the ball should be placed between two positions mentioned above.

Posture should be checked as weight distribution can also have an affect. Having your weight too far forward can encourage the slice so be wary of your weight distribution.

If all else fails, try strengthening your grip. Do this by moving your hands slightly clockwise around the club, then adjust your grip so you’re holding it more in your fingers and lighten the pressure, this should help reduce the affect of the slicing.

Happy golfing!

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Click for more information The Ultimake Guide to Golf