Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Golf Tips – What’s Your Score?

If you’ve ever wondered about your composite score or your handicap, you now have an incredibly easy way to come up with those figures. Several companies offer the option to use software or Internet websites to keep your scores over a long period of time. These computer programs will also give players a way to come up with handicaps, even if you need those scores for tournament play.

You’ll find there are several ways to use technology for saving scores or establishing handicaps. There are hand-held devices that very much resemble a cellular telephone or PDA. With these devices, you simply enter scores as you play. Many offer the option of saving scores for several players so that you can compare those of all the players in your group.

You may also enter the information onto a website once you leave the green. Typically, you’ll be asked to pay a membership to the site, then you’ll be allowed to save your information each time you play. There are usually some requirements related to verifying scores, but the information can then be used to establish your handicap. If you’re planning to use the information for tournament play, remember to find and use a service that is certified for that purpose.

If you’re looking for a way to get your handicap or simply to retain your scores for comparison over a period of time, this could be the answer. You’ll find that there are plenty of options and you’re sure to find some device, service or website to suit your needs.
There’s no doubt that technology is becoming more involved in the golfing industry, whether you’re using it to establish your handicap, evaluate your swing or searching the Internet for golf tips and golf aids. Even if you’re not really comfortable with technology, you may find the benefits are worth the effort.
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Golf Tips – What’s the Latest Gadget?

With the ever-increasing popularity of golf among both men and women, there’s a constant quest for the next gadget that will help players improve at the game. And – as is the case in almost any market – there’s no shortage of companies offering gadgets and gizmos promising just that. So how do you know what will work and what won’t? Here are some things you can do.

Listen to friends, pros and fellow golfers. There’s no doubt that you’ll get some bad advice, so listen to the entire statement about a particular item. For example, if someone tells you that he wasted $20 on a gadget that was supposed to help his swing, find out why it didn’t work. It could be that the very reason it didn’t work for your friend would be the reason it does work for you. For example, if your friend is battling a consistent slice and your problem is distance, that gadget may help you out – even though it was no help to your friend.

Another point about golf gadgets is to evaluate what the product claims to do and how. Remember that golf is a sport that requires time, practice and effort. There are no “magic” gadgets or golf tips that will suddenly make your game improve. If you find those gadgets that make outlandish claims, be wary. Your grandmother had some good advice when she said, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”

Before you buy golf gadgets that are supposed to help, consider how they work. It may be that a putting game or some other video gadget is a great idea, but only if you have what it takes to make it work. Don’t buy expensive equipment to evaluate your swing if it requires more hard drive space than you have.
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Golf Tips – Tips To Improve Your Putting

If you are seriously considering lowering your scores, then you must take your putting seriously, as roughly half the strokes you play in a round of golf are likely to be on the putting green. However good you are at driving, pitching and chipping, if your putting is not up to standard, you will never make the next level. My Dad told me the famous quote when I was probably about 12 or 13, ‘Drive for show putt for dough’, this says it all! That is why it is quite incredible that putting is not often concentrated on.

Tips for setup:

First of all I’d just like to say that there is no one correct putting grip/posture/stroke, there are wide variations, so if your technique is different, don’t worry, some of the top golfers have very different putting actions e.g. Bernhard Langer, Ben Crenshaw and Tom Watson all have very different techniques. These are basic tips that can be applied to most techniques to help improve your game.

An ideal putting stroke should strike the ball on the up, to do this the ball should be placed opposite the inside of the left heal (for a right hander), this results in the ball being hit on the up and top spin is generated.

In relation to setup, the hands should be either inline with the ball or ahead of the ball, if the hands are behind the ball, then a clean consistent strike of the ball is not likely, and the common result is the ball popping up in the air.

Tension on the green is one the most destructive things that can happen to your putting, especially with the short putts, this is known as getting the ‘yips’, this is caused by moving during the stroke. This causes you to ‘fluff’ your shot and miss your putt. To avoid this happening, concentrate on the spot where the ball was after impact rather than following the ball. This ensures that you do not move your head during impact and will help give you the clean smooth impact you require.

A simple technique to reduce the tension in the body and the stroke is simply to let your arms dangle in front of you before you putt and gently shake them. This should relax your muscles enabling an enhanced sensation of feel and touch, both vital for reliable consistent putting.

Tips for the swing

Your grip should not be too tight, and your arms should be relaxed. Gently and smoothly in a one piece action, sweep the putter backwards. It is important to keep the triangle formed between your arms and the line joining your shoulders consistent through the whole shot and the shape should not change. The move backwards should be like a pendulum movement with your arms, while your wrists remain stiff. A good tip for making sure that this is correct is by starting the action by dropping your left shoulder; this will get the pendulum motion started.

Keeping the triangle mentioned before in tact, in a pendulum motion, accelerate the putter smoothly through the ball; the ball should be hit on the up. Throughout this whole period, keep your eyes fixed on the ball to avoid fluffing the putt and keep the eyes fixed on that spot after impact.

It is vital after impact that the left wrist remains firm and does not break; the follow-through should go inline with the direction you were aiming and should be the same length as the backswing.

Key points

Try and relax before playing the stroke, this will help enhance your feel and touch and help avoid the yips due to excess tension

The stroke should be a pendulum action swinging with your shoulders and arms while the wrists remain stiff.

Don’t move your head during the swing.

Swing in a relaxed smooth fashion with a smooth and constant rhythm.

Keep the wrists firm throughout the stroke.

Play the ball from underneath the eyes.

Have the ball in the front of the stance to ensure that the ball is hit on the up.
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Golf Tips – The Secret And Crucial Role Of Alignment In Supercharging Your Game!

The alignment is an absolutely crucial and vital part to any golfer’s game. You swing round your body, therefore if your body is offline, your swing in turn will be off line and out of sync, resulting in a poor swing and a poor shot, usually ending up deep in the rough.

When setting up to the ball, firstly ensure the clubface is square to the ‘ball to pin line’ (the line between the ball and the pin), and ensure that your shoulders, hips and feet are all parallel to the ‘ball to pin line’, if these 3 are not aligned and one is out, a good body turn is ruined with a poor swing resulting.

When training, on the driving range or wherever you can practise, a useful technique for lining up is to place a club on the floor and check that you’re your feet, hips and shoulders line up with each other, the shoulder alignment is particularly crucial because your body turn starts with your shoulders.

Ideally, you should be lining your body up slightly to the left of the target (slightly to the right for left hand players), as opposed to trying to line your body up with the target itself.

On the course a simple test to see if this is the case, is to look at the target, if you can see your left shoulder, then you are lined up to too far to the right (visa versa for lefthanders), your shoulder should be just out of sight.

Poor Alignment can have several affects, these are all negative. Aligning too far to the left most commonly leads to the slicing of the ball, this occurs because you are not parallel to the line running from ball to pin. As a result the backswing is limited so an ‘out to in’ swing results. As a consequence the club face is slightly open on impact which generates side spin on the ball. This leads to the common problem which is the slice which I will explain in another article.

If you align too far to the right, the opposite will take place and a hook will occur due to the ‘in to out’ swing of the club, although quite common with beginners and inexperienced players.

Often they will subconsciously become aware of this and try to adjust mid-swing, over adjusting by opening up the clubface as impact approaches. This again results in the slicing of the ball, which is very difficult to control and usually leads to ‘the rough’.

Alignment is an often overlooked and crucial part to any golfer’s game and therefore must be addressed for you to succeed at any level of golf. For as long as you’re alignment is out, you will never be able to consistently hit straight accurate shots and will increasingly find yourself hooking or slicing into the rough, turning those pars into bogies and taking your round from a 75 to 85.

So get that alignment sorted and go shoot some birdies.
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Golf Tips – Finding That Winning Grip And The Cures For Grip Related Problems

The correct grip is a key fundamental component of a golfer’s game and is required to have a consistently good straight game, giving you the ability to shoot low scores with ease.

When the grip is faulty, poor shots often result along with an inconsistent and unreliable game. Therefore it is essential for your game that your grip is correct if you want to take your golf to the next level.

Firstly place the club in your left (opposite for lefthanders) hand, close your left hand around the grip as if you were shaking somebody’s hand. Your thumb should be pointing down the grip, slightly to the right of centre.

Then bring in the right hand, firstly interlock the little finger of your right hand with the forefinger of your left hand. The underside of the grip should be placed on the joints of the second and third fingers of the right hand. Your right thumb should also be pointing down the grip, while your right palm should be facing towards the target with your left hand facing away from the target.

Two V’s should be formed by the thumb and forefinger of each hand, these should both point somewhere between your right shoulder and eyes.

When holding the club, the club must be held firmly but with the minimum of effort. Having the correct grip allows your hands to work freely with the utmost control while a poor grip leads to a lack of club head control.

Key Points:

• Your arms and hands are relaxed.

• Your left forefinger is linked with the little finger of right hand, 2 or 3 knuckles should be visible.

• The V’s created by the forefinger and thumb on each hand should point be to between your right shoulder and eyes. These V’s should be pretty much parallel to each other.

• The grip should be comfortable yet held firmly with little effort, it is vital that the club head does not open or close on impact.

To test that you have a good grip, it should feel as though both your hands work together as if one. When you lift the club and move it, your hands should feel comfortable and secure.

Problems and cures for slightly faulty grips: You may find that you are slicing the ball; this could be due to a problem with your grip, (although it may be due to other reasons mentioned in my other article that aims to solve the slice) try rotating your grip slightly clockwise around the grip; also try holding the club more in the palm of your left hand.

If you have problems with hooking the ball, make a conscious effort to feel the ends of the fingers on your right hand pushing upwards through impact with the ball. This should help prevent you from closing the clubface on impact and so helps prevent you from hooking the ball.
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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

Golf the real thing

The grass is always greener on the other side. Not as green as I felt on the inside the day I decided to check out this golf lark.
I could never get my head around why all the excitement and fuss at the sheer mention of the word golf.

Off to the local driving range I did go, selected myself a golf club and purchased a token for fifty golf balls..Maybe if I had more knowledge on the game, I would have realized the importance of choosing the right size golf club. 

Inserting my token into the slot to collect the golf balls.  What a nightmare. Well? no one told me to place a basket underneath the shoot. Those balls came flooding out like Niagra falls. I hasten to add these balls did not roll they bounced. Some even higher than me, cursed they were without a doubt.
Doomed from the start a golf stick to suit Shrek and only twenty balls of my fifty. The rest for all I know could be in Timbukto.
I remember more misses than hits but I was slowly beginning to like and enjoy this so called golf lark.

Why not try the real thing? a voice called out from the cubicle next to me. Is this not the real thing I asked.  No mate, came the reply. You need to be on a course.

Determined to find out why this sport is so  popular. I went in search of a course to play the real thing.
Found myself a course with eighteen holes. Now for the real thing.

Taking the first shot and not taking my eyes of the ball, I watched it rotate in and around several humps down a funnel and then swirl in and out of a maze of curves. Bit like the krypton factor but I was desperate to find out about the real thing.
It is 5pm and we are closing the attendant called out. But I am only on hole number three I explained. I am sorry sir, why not come back tommorrow? and that I did for the next fornight. Because that is how long it took me to finish this particular course.

Pedro (The Attendant) and I had struck up a friendly relationship in all the time I was going back and to.  I am afraid Pedro this golf lark is not for me.
Senor this is crazy golf, it is not the real thing. What is the difference I asked. I will need to show you senor? he answered.

Pedro explained that he had a few friends that he would like me to meet up with.  He also went onto say that they could help me in my quest to find out what the major attraction in golf is for many thousands of people.

What lovely people Pedro's friends were. Very informative on the game. Oh and boy oh boy they sure showed me a few tricks of the trade.
It is was all falling into place now.
Knowing all the rules simplified and made this game more understanding.

Yes? I was loving this new found sport that was to change my whole way of life for the rest of my life.

It was time to leave so I thanked everyone for their expert guidance. Now over to my good friend Pedro, who I grabbed with so much force giving him such a manly hug and shaking his hand at the same time. I could not thank him enough for his time and patience. It was a pleasure Senor, Pedro replied. By the way I did not quite catch your name senor.
Just call me TIGER.Readmore >>
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Golf Teaching Tool -- Correct Your Swing Plane

A good swing plane is vital if you want to be a consistent golfer. Today I will explain how to make and use a golf teaching tool to help beginners and advanced golfers get their swing plane on the right track. The golf teaching tool is cheep and very easy to make. Golf teaching tool

Golf teaching tool
You will need
- a piece of PCV pipe about 1 meter long and about 2cm is diameter
- 2 mini torches to fit in the 2cm ends of the PVC piping (cheep as chips on eBay etc.)

Directions for making the golf teaching tool
Install the torches into each end of the PVC pipe. There are a couple of ways to do this, if the torch fits snug in the piping you can simply use araldite or some type of adhesive to glue the torches in. If the torch is slightly bigger than the pipe heat the end of the piping with a heat gun and install the torch. When the PVC cools make sure the torch is stuck securely. You have now created your golf teaching tool.

How to use the golf teaching tool
By now you may be wondering what the hell this stick is for well the exercise is quiet simple. Turn the torches on and hold PVC as though it were one of your golf clubs, stand facing parallel to a wall with the bottom light shining on the join were the floor meets the wall. This join acts as a nice straight line; we will call the bottom light A and the top one B.

Swing the club back so light A shines along line until the stick is parallel with the line. Cock your wrists taking note of light B, this light should now be shining along the line. At the top of your swing light B should still be pointing to the line this is the correct position to start you’re down swing.

Pull down with your wrists to start the down swing, light B should be shining along the line once again. As you release though were the ball would be light A should shine along the line, keep the light shining along line for as long as possible then, finish with your follow through.

This exercise should be done very slowly for a start, as you feel more comfortable speed up a little, but don’t get sloppy make sure you keep the lights shining alone the line. This golf teaching tool is fantastic in my opinion, it’s a great exercise for both beginners and advanced golfers. If you practice this until it becomes habit you will be hitting the ball straighter and longer as this exercise teaches you to release your power where you should be, at impact.
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Golf Teaching Tool – For A Correct Swing Plane

A good swing plane is vital if you want to be a consistent golfer. Today I will explain how to make and use a golf teaching tool to help beginners and advanced golfers get their swing plane on the right track. The golf teaching tool is cheep and very easy to make.

Golf teaching tool
You will need
- a piece of PCV pipe about 1 meter long and about 2cm is diameter
- 2 mini torches to fit in the 2cm ends of the PVC piping (cheep as chips on eBay etc.)

Directions for making the golf teaching tool
Install the torches into each end of the PVC pipe. There are a couple of ways to do this, if the torch fits snug in the piping you can simply use araldite or some type of adhesive to glue the torches in. If the torch is slightly bigger than the pipe heat the end of the piping with a heat gun and install the torch. When the PVC cools make sure the torch is stuck securely. You have now created your golf teaching tool.

How to use the golf teaching tool
By now you may be wondering what the hell this stick is for well the exercise is quiet simple. Turn the torches on and hold PVC as though it were one of your golf clubs, stand facing parallel to a wall with the bottom light shining on the join were the floor meets the wall. This join acts as a nice straight line; we will call the bottom light A and the top one B.

 Swing the club back so light A shines along line until the stick is parallel with the line. Cock your wrists taking note of light B, this light should now be shining along the line. At the top of your swing light B should still be pointing to the line this is the correct position to start you're down swing.

Pull down with your wrists to start the down swing, light B should be shining along the line once again. As you release though were the ball would be light A should shine along the line, keep the light shining along line for as long as possible then, finish with your follow through.

This exercise should be done very slowly for a start, as you feel more comfortable speed up a little, but don't get sloppy make sure you keep the lights shining alone the line. This golf teaching tool is fantastic in my opinion, it's a great exercise for both beginners and advanced golfers. If you practice this until it becomes habit you will be hitting the ball straighter and longer as this exercise teaches you to release your power where you should be, at impact.
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Golf Swing Weight Training A New Approach

Golf swing weight training is as specific as you can get in regards to golf training to improve power, distance and iron yardages with every club. Wouldn’t you love to add 10 yards to every iron? Instead of a 150 6 iron, you’re hitting a consistent 7 iron the same distance.

This alone will greatly improve your “greens in regulation” and getting more shots closer to the pin. The end result is a much lower score.

Golf swing weight training shouldn’t be new to you. You’ve heard all the pros train for their game. So why shouldn’t you? Here’s one secret that can add a quick 20 yards to your driver in less than a week or so.

Swing a weighted club!

This is not revelating stuff, but I’m here to tell you it’s one of the quickest and most effective ways to increase your distances with all clubs.

The benefit is developing the exact golf swing muscles from a strength and flexibility standpoint within your golf swing. You'll improve your backswing and follow through range of motion, as well as your power through the hitting zone.

In all my dvds, books and websites I preach the importance of a balanced routine of both golf stretching and strengthening exercises for all your golfing muscles. This is critical for your long term success.

I am an advocate of this approach, and strongly suggest you be too. There are many muscles swing the weighted club don't hit that can be affecting your game. Like the hamstrings, lower back and even abs.

But how about a little shortcut along the way?

Golf swing weight training is something I’ve personally been doing for over 10 years and I’m fortunate enough to say I can consistently drive the ball over 300 yards. I don’t say that to brag, but to say this type of training and approach is effective and works!

Because I’m not a big guy like all those long drive competitors, golfers are surprised when they see me hit a drive. They all seem to ask how can I do that? Immediately I go into my golf trainer mode and precede to tell them the importance golf swing weight training and working on the “machine” to hit longer drives.

Within a couple of holes they are hitting me with a ton of questions they want answered. By the time I’m done, I wished I hadn’t told them what I do for a living.

No I’m just kidding.

By doing a golf swing weight training program that incorporates strength, flexibility and weighted clubs you will see the quickest results that last long term.

Your golfing buddies might think your crazy, but you’ll get the last laugh.

The winning combination is swing technique and golf swing weight training!
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Golf Swing Trainer - What Is It?

Golf swing trainer is a term you might think of for a training aid that works on your golf swing. I’ve come up with a new definition for a golf swing trainer. It happens to be what I do for a living.

I won’t take up this whole article talking about myself, but I do want you to think of a golf swing trainer in a different light after reading this.

You see…I’ve watched and read about the millions of golfers who are in search of the “silver bullet”. The “magic pill” that will give them the perfect swing and the game they dream of. Well…it’s not out there! I hate to ruin the party, but there is no such thing.

There is hope!

I have spent the better part of 10 years studying the golf swing. And over 25 years in the field of fitness and exercise physiology. I have combined my two passions into the label of golf swing trainer.

It came to me one day when I was working with one of my personal golf clients. We were talking about his swing faults and I was prescribing golf stretches and exercises to eliminate the swing fault.

After just 4 sessions…his swing fault was gone! Completely! He was thrilled to say the least. He told me he had taken private golf lessons with 4 different golf teaching pros and couldn’t correct his golf swing fault.

When he explained it to me…it was obvious. It was a physical limitation that was not allowing his body to perform the prescribed technique all these teaching pros had told him he needed to do.

I was as thrilled as he was and now here I am. A golf swing trainer implementing golf exercises and stretches to eliminate golf swing faults. It’s the most effective way to permanently eliminate swing faults with minimal or now change in technique. The swing just falls into place when the body can perform at optimal strength and flexibility levels.

You heard it here first. Now I am quite confident you will hear more professionals in my field of expertise use it.

A golf swing trainer should have superior knowledge of the golf swing from a mechanical standpoint and physical standpoint. If one or the other is missing, then this individual isn't a qualified professional that should be working on your golf swing.

So next time you hear this phrase…think of improving your body…not taking more lessons, buying the latest, greatest gimmicky training aid, or hitting more balls.

Golf Swing Trainer!
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Golf Swing Tips Will Not Work By Themselves

Golf swing tips are rampant! Golfers can’t get enough of them. But are they working…or are they adding to the confusion and frustration of your game? Many qualified instructors will tell you to stay away from all the golf swing tips in the golf magazines.


Because it causes “paralysis-by-analysis!”

What I mean is you get on the course and you are thinking too much about your golf swing mechanics and not enough about getting the ball in the fairway, onto the green, and in the hole!

We also call this the “62-point checklist”.

I’m here to tell you that golf swing tips by themselves will NEVER work! I know…this is a very strong statement, but I feel very strong about this.

How many times have you received a tip from a golf instructor, golfing buddy or out of a magazine…only to try it and play worse?

Come on…be honest!

I can tell you right now that it’s your BODY that won’t allow you to apply this golf swing tip. Your brain knows what to do…and wants to do it, but your body CAN’T perform it!

Your heard it right here! Your BODY can’t do it! This is the missing link to your best golf ever!

Work on the machine (you) and the golf swing tips or mechanics you so yearn to do will magically happen. I’ve seen it hundreds of times with the golfers I’ve worked with.

I have literally taken someone off the practice tee, given them a stretch and they step right up and nail the ball long and right in the middle of the range. They become instant believers!

There is no magical golf swing tip that’s going to change your game!

Golf swing mechanics are critical, and the “only” way to achieve them is to reduce your own personal physical limitations. This is not an overnight fix, but one that will last the rest of your golfing career.

Wouldn’t it be nice to step up to the tee and know without a doubt you’re going to be the longest (and straightest) hitter in your foursome? How about shooting the lowest score and taking all the money?

This is a reality if…you work on your machine (body), ‘off the course’ to play better on the course.

Then... and only then will all those golf swing tips work!
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Golf Swing Thoughts Help Develop Consistency

Swing thoughts on the practice range are an unquestioned strategy. They simplify a complex situation. They speed the learning process. And they help develop trust in your swing. How about during a match? Do swing thoughts help there? What are the best swing thoughts to have?

While instructors differ on which are the best swing thoughts during a match, they all agree on one thing: Thoughts like “Keep your elbow tucked in,” Finish with your belt buckle facing the target,” or “Keep your head still” only foul up your swing when playing. In fact, many golf tips on swing thoughts reject the whole idea.

It’s not that these thoughts are bad. They’re not. They’re right on target. Entire golf lessons are designed around them. And they’re great in practice. They keep you focused on what you’re doing.

But eliminate them during a match. Why? They focus on swing mechanics and that’s something to avoid when actually swinging a club. Check any golf instruction manual. They will tell you the same thing: You can’t command your body to work in a certain way when hitting the ball. Trying to do so creates more problems than it solves.

Instead, focus on your target. That, after all, is your real goal. Forget about where your hands are or where your hips are. Concentrate on where you want the ball to land and link to it creatively and emotionally. Develop a mental picture of that spot and keep it in mind as you swing.

If you must have a swing thought, keep it simple. And non-mechanical. Many PGA pros focus on a single thought, which eliminates thoughts about swing mechanics.

Ernie Ells keeps this thought in mind when he swings “Low and slow.” That’s it. He doesn’t think about where his hands are, where his weight is, or where his body is going to end up. That’s for when he’s taking a golf lesson from his swing coach. Instead, he focuses on taking the club back low and slow, eliminating everything else.

Fred Shoemaker, author, a pioneer in golf instruction, and founder of the golf school Extraordinary Golf, is adamant about swing thoughts. Replace thoughts about your mechanics with thoughts about the “feel” of your swing. Think about tempo and rhythm rather than where and when. If you must have a swing thought, says Fred, have one that reinforces the feel of your swing.

Fred has his students practice throwing clubs to emphasize this idea. At first, they throw a club 15 feet. Then, they throw one with a slightly fuller swing, about 25 feet or so. After about 200 throws, they throw one with a complete golf swing. Of course, this club throwing is done under strict supervision and safety conditions.

Once Fred’s students master club throwing, they move to the tee. The goal there is remembering how it feels to throw a club when you hit a ball. They focus on that idea and that idea alone.

Another approach is to have a thought that triggers something in your swing, thoughts that

• Mentally in-plant your target line
• Mimics the actual swing
• Produces a smooth take away
• Triggers the downswing.
• Promotes relaxation while swinging

Establish a target line for your ball flight before you address the ball. Keep that thought in mind when you hit and try to copy it with your ball flight. That forces you to keep the target line in mind, not your mechanics.

Most professional golfers take a few practice swings before they address the ball. They want the feel of the swing before they hit the ball. Recreational golfers ought to do the same. Take a few practice swings. Remember how it feels. Keep that “feel” in mind when you hit.

Focus on a thought that promotes a smooth takeaway. Slow and easy. Or, slow and smooth. Anything that produces a nice takeaway helps. Remember, the takeaway and backswing do one thing: position you for the downswing.

The downswing begins the chain reaction of feet, knees, thighs, and shoulders. Any thought that triggers this chain reaction helps deliver the blow at impact. Try thoughts like, "Plant your left heel,” or “Slide your left knee toward the target.” Anything that helps you transfers your weight to your left side works well.

Also try to complete the backswing in a relaxed manner. Think of anything that will occupy the time between your takeaway and the completion of your backswing. That brief time is critical. It’s when golfers think about their mechanics instead of their targets.

Consistency is every golfer’s goal. To achieve it, we need a swing that is repeatable under pressure every time we play. Developing that swing, however, isn’t easy. It takes hard work and plenty of practice.

Having a thought process that repeats itself time and time again helps you develop that swing as well. If the metal side of your game syncs with the physical side, achieving swing consistency gets easier. More importantly, it cuts strokes from your game, which, in turn, generates a lower handicap.
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Golf Swing Technique And How To Improve It

There are two approaches to achieving a better golf swing. There is improving your physical capabilities…and improving your golf swing technique.

How many times has your teaching pro recommended a golf swing technique change and you couldn’t do it no matter how many balls you hit? It’s because you didn’t have the “physical capability” to successfully make the change and repeat it.

For example, if you didn’t have adequate core strength and flexibility, you would be unable to create and maintain the “x-factor”, or the separation between the hip rotation and shoulder rotation, therefore losing force and ultimately distance.

But by implementing simple, golf exercises…it is possible to develop the ability to execute these key actions, which result in greater clubhead speed, force and distance.

Identifying your weak points, and doing golf-specific exercises to replicate the specific action will allow you to achieve the specific golf swing technique change effectively.

I’ve seen some very simple, yet effective golf exercises and stretches that when implemented and done consistently can result in substantial increases in driving distance and accuracy.

Creating specific exercises related to your teaching pros golf swing technique recommendations can give you the quickest results…that are lasting.

Suffice it to say…the development of your physical abilities…especially strength and flexibility…plays a critical role in not only improving your golf swing technique…but in hitting the ball farther and much straighter.

The bottom line…your golf swing technique is dictated by your physical capabilities.
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Golf Swing Secrets Of Successful Players

You can have a golf swing which will grind out powerful and accurate shots just like a champion, let me tell you how.

The golf swing of a successful player differs from that of an ordinary player in two main respects; it is both correct and well grooved.

What do I mean by a correct golf swing? I mean that when the player swings the club with maximum power their body moves through a series of linked positions which enble them to control the club and thus achieve accuracy. Conversely, when an ordinary golfer tries to exert power they throw their body into incorrect positions and lose control and power.

A good golf swing is actually made up of a series of movements each of which positions the club correctly. It is this ability to make the correct body movements that allows the player to position the club correctly.

These different positions of the golf swing are not hard to achieve. The difficulty for most players is stringing them together and then keeping them togther when they try to hit the ball hard.

If your golf swing tends to become erratic the moment you try to hit the ball hard you need to go back to basics. No, you don't have to start learning all over again, but you do have to analyze each position and make sure that it is correct.

Then, once you know that each position is as it should be, you can start to link them together into an entire swing. And that is what I mean by well-grooved. The linked-together golf swing repeats itself time and again, even under the greatest pressure.

When you watch a really successful golfer swing the club you will notice that they all have a routine. The way they set up to the ball is always the same. Their pre-swing routine is always the same. The actual golf swing always looks the same - except when they make a poor shot. Then you will notice that they look off balance and their body is often leaning over as they anxiously watch the flight of their ball.

The easy way for an ordinary golfer to achieve a correct and well-grooved golf swing is to develop a mind movie of their swing. Then, simply by running this mind movie every time you set up to the ball you will set your well grooved swing in motion. This is what Jack Nicklaus always did.

You can learn how to do build your own golf swing mind movie by going to the Google Internet search engine and type in the words 'golf mind movies'. There you will find a number of sites which will tell you how to develop a powerful and accurate golf swing that repeats even under pressure.
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Golf Swing Problem And How To Fix It

Having a golf swing problem and not being able to correct it is the norm these days.  Millions of golfers every year walk off the course in frustration.  They all have a golf swing problem and have tried to fix it the “traditional way”. 

What I mean…is going to an instructor who can very easily point out what the golfer is doing, but cannot necessarily get to the root of the problem.  So many times the instructor will tell the golfer “he’s coming over the top” and that’s why he’s slicing the ball.

Or maybe he’s got the “chicken wing” in his follow through.  But what does all that mean if you can’t get to what’s the cause and effect of that golf swing problem?

I’m here to tell you that many golf swing problems are caused by your body’s inability to perform optimal golf swing mechanics.  Let me say that again.  Your body is the culprit.  If you don’t take a look at what the ‘physical’ issue is, you can take all the lessons you want and you will continue to have the same golf swing problem.

Let me give you a specific example.

You have a hard time staying “in your posture” during your golf swing.  You’ve taken many lessons and your golf instructor keeps telling you “your coming out of your swing”.  But what good is that if you don’t know why this is happening?

I’ll give you one (of many) reasons why this could be happening!

Your hamstrings (the back of your upper leg) are too tight AND week!  This is a fact with the majority of golfers, especially the senior golfers. 

Golf posture requires a bending at the hips, which puts a strain on the hamstrings and low back.  If your hamstrings are tight, they will send a message to your brain saying “I can’t hold this, get me out of this uncomfortable position”. 

Does that make sense?

The other message your hamstrings might send is “I’m not strong enough to hold this position, I’m going bail out of this position”. 

This is a very common cause of “coming out of your golf swing”.

But if you are not aware this is the cause, you will continue to take lessons and hear the same thing over and over again.  You could have saved hundreds of dollars in lessons, just by stretching and strengthening your hamstrings specific to your golf posture.

This is just one of many examples of how your body is what’s causing the golf swing problem.

Once you take the approach that your body dictates your ability to swing correctly, you will be on your way to the best golf of your life.  You will soon not have to worry about a golf swing problem anymore.
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Friday, 7 September 2012

Golf Swing Mechanics Can Be Improved Very Quickly

Proper golf swing mechanics is a prerequisite for optimal golf performance. If you’re like most golfers, you’re always trying to duplicate that “perfect” golf swing. I know I am. Doesn’t it feel great to hit that effortless shot? Don’t you wish you could do it every time? That would be a similar feeling of what the pro’s have most of the time. It would be such a high!

So what’s keeping you from improving your golf swing mechanics? Do you think you just need to hit more balls? Or, are you already hitting hundreds every week? If that’s not working, do you need more golf lessons? Or, have you taken lessons but not seen improvement?

If it’s none of the above, then what?

I can tell you almost 100% for sure…it’s your BODY!

Your body dictates how efficient you be with your golf swing mechanics. How many times have you felt like you can’t make a FULL turn or backswing? Do you think the solution is hitting more balls or taking more golf lessons?

It’s not! It’s improving your golf-specific flexibility and even strength.

Once you address and improve your physical limitations, your golf swing mechanics fall into place, with very little effort. Unless you don’t have a concept of what needs to be done to complete a proper golf swing, in which taking a golf lesson to understand it would be first priority.

The majority of amateur golfers have some kind of physical limitation that keeping them from a great game of golf. It could be flexibility, or it could be strength.

Combining the two is your most effective approach.

Getting a golf-specific evaluation by a golf fitness professional is your first step. Then, you can set up a game plan on what you need to work on and how to do it.

You’d be amazed at how quickly you can improve your golf swing and game with this approach. Don’t keep looking for the silver bullet. The answer is in the mirror. Improving your golf swing mechanics through fitness will give you the bigges return on investment.
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Golf Swing Improvement Secrets To Stop The Insanity

Golf swing improvement can be elusive for most golfers.  I have read many articles and studies on the huge number of golfers quitting the game every year.  They are tired of putting in the time, buying equipment, taking lessons, and purchasing every golf training aid on the market only to see no golf swing improvement.

You can’t fault a frustrated golfer who experiences the above and quits.  Life is too short to spend 5 hours on a golf course and not enjoy it.

Let’s discuss why this happens!

First off, golf swing improvement should be approached from the inside-out.  That means starting with your body.  If your body has physical restrictions, you won’t ever be able to make a repeatable golf swing with any power or accuracy.  It’s a physical impossibility. 

You can try-and-try, but it won’t happen!

You body dictates your golfing ability.  Like in any sport, raw talent is hard to come by and is only for a small percent of the athletic community.

Do you feel like you should be a better golfer?  How many times have you walked off the course in disgust…knowing you should have played much better?  This is a common occurrence and one that can be fixed quickly.

The right approach to golf swing improvement is one that looks at your current golf swing faults and the ‘physical’ reason behind it.  I see this all the time.  A golfer takes a lesson; the instructor tells the golfer what he needs to do; and the golfer can’t do it!

What a frustrating situation!

For every swing fault, there is an underlying ‘physical’ reason why it keeps happening. 

Let me give you one of many examples to substantiate the above statement.

You are a slicer.  That means you come “over-the-top” with your upper body.  Do you want to know one of the many reasons why this happens?

Here goes!

You have poor core strength and flexibility.

If your body cannot initiate the downswing with the lower body, especially the hips rotating; it is because your core muscles are sending a message to your brain saying, “we can’t do this, so figure out another way (compensation) to get me back to the ball.”

Now the upside to this scenario.

You work on your core rotational strength and flexibility.  You don’t hit more balls.  You don’t add more swing thoughts to your swing.  You don’t do drills at the range til your hands are bleeding.  You just improve your core.  That’s it!

The result?

You are able to initiate the downswing with your lower body, create and retain stored energy in your core area, and you not only stop your slice, but you add 30 yards to your drives!

That’s golf swing improvement the right way!

Again, this is just one example of a golf swing fault; and the cause and solution to eliminating it forever.

Now golf is fun again!

So when you think of playing better golf; take a new approach to your golf swing improvement.
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Golf Swing Help With A Different Approach

Golf swing help is a thought in most amateur golfers minds on a daily basis.  The never-ending search for a quick fix to your golf swing.  I receive emails every day reading how golfers have tried “everything” and still haven’t improved.  They have reached a state of desperation in their golf game.

Does this sound like you?

Unless you have 8 hours a day to work on your golf swing like the pros have, you will not be able to achieve that ultimate goal of consistent performance.  The golf swing technique of today has become so complicated, that golfers are “paralyzed by over-analysis”. 

I’ve heard some great analogies lately!

How about walking?  Would we think of every biomechanical movement in every joint of our body when we walk?  I don’t think so.  If that happened, we’d have a lot of frustrated, immobile people out there.

The same thing holds true with golf.  Having a basic understanding of how to hit the ball to your chosen target is critical, but after that, you shouldn’t have to think of 30 different things to swing the club to make this happen.

The end goal in golf is to get your ball to a target as accurately as you can, and then get it in the hole.  With that being said, why are so many golfers not improving?  The answer and solution are quite easy.

It’s what I say more than a dozen times every day to golfers.  “It’s your body that swings the club, not the other way around”.

Your swing is only as good as your current ‘physical’ capabilities.  Don’t you think that makes sense?  I mean…if your body is tight (inflexible), do you think you’ll be able to make a nice full backswing with minimal tension?  No way!  That’s a physical impossibility.

The ONLY way to be able to achieve optimal swing mechanics with minimal effort is to improve your body’s ability to reach these physical points in the golf swing consistenly.  Whether it’s a 90 degree shoulder turn, or hips slightly open with your head stationary behind the ball at impact.

It makes total sense to break down the swing fault you are currently dealing with and look at the physical requirement needed from your body.  The more involved I get with improving golf performance, the more interested I’m getting in the biomechanics of the golf swing and how to improve them with the physical approach (both strength and flexibility).

I’ve seen dramatic results from members of my websites and customers of my golf improvement products, which tells me this is the way to improve your golf swing the quickest.  I’ve had golfers literally tell me they wish they would have taken this approach 20 years ago!

Why not end the frustration once and for all and take a look at the ‘source’ of your swing fault? 

With this approach, the last thing on your mind will be golf swing help.
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Golf Swing Flexibility Exercises That Will Add Distance Quickly

Golf swing flexibility exercises that are the most effective are not what you read in all the “so-called” fitness for golf books.  I make this bold statement because I bought every golf fitness book and was so disappointed I wrote my own Ultimate Golf Fitness Manual.

What I didn’t see in most of these books was dynamic (movement) stretches, especially for core flexibility.  The golf swing is a rotation, therefore it only makes sense to incorporate as many core rotational movements, stretches and exercises into your routine as possible.

This is more prevalent in the senior golfer.  He/she has lost a large amount of core rotation and in return massive yards off the tee.  That’s the biggest complaint I hear among senior golfers is their lack of distance off the tee.

But, what’s frustrating for me is that same golfer will buy more equipment, take more lessons and hit more balls and not see improvement.  This is because the “root cause” has still not been approached.

Until you fix the “machine”, you will not see improvement.  Your body’s physical capabilities dictate your golf swing efficiency and power.  Until you realize this and make the commitment to improve this, you’ll continue to be a very frustrated golfer.

The great thing about golf swing flexibility exercises are they don’t require any equipment and can be done anywhere.  In your office…at your home…even on the golf course.  There is no reason (excuse) not to participate in a golf swing flexibility exercise program. 

If time is a valuable commodity you don’t have a lot of, then doing just 3-4 rotational stretches daily and you’ll see a huge difference in your power and distance.

There is only an “upside” to doing it.

How about adding 30 yards to your drives?  No more back pain?  Feeling like your 20 years younger and playing like it too?

I could go on and on about the benefits, but you’ve got to believe it and do it.

Just remember the golf swing is a rotational movement, so you should train your body from a rotational strength and flexibility standpoint.  Taking this concise and yet effective approach will give you the quickest results from your golf swing flexibility exercises.
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Golf Swing Exercises Can Add Power Quickly

Golf swing exercises are the missing link to adding tremendous power to your golf swing quickly. To be able to execute an effective golf swing exercises will enhance your bodies abilitiy to move throughout the required ranges of motion...enabling you to hit drives you know you are capable of.

The other reason why golf swing exercises are so important is in the fact that a golf swing by its’ very nature is a very unnatural and awkward movement of the body and muscles. It therefore stands to reason that the body will usually resist the golf swing action and this is why it appears to be so difficult to master.

However when you implement golf swing exercises to strengthen and condition the relevant muscles, the golf swing becomes less awkward to the body.

Let us now take a closer look at the movements involved in a golf swing so that we come up with the most effective golf swing exercises that will impact most dramatically on the quality of your game.

The golf swing is actually a turn back (rotate) and turn through (rotate). Most of the movement is pure rotational in nature. This means doing golf swing exercises like a seated twist holding a dumbbell straight out in front of you is a very effective exercise in strengthening and conditioning the muscles used in the golf swing.

Be careful not to use very heavy weights in this golf swing exercise. 3-5 pound dumb bells are ideal. Remember that a golf club is not heavy; in fact it weights less than a pound.

Repeating golf swing exercises like this as many times as you can within a 30-minute session without straining yourself. Do remember to warm up before you begin the session and also to warm down when you are through.

Warming up ensures that you do not start with your muscles cold. Stretches involving the muscles that you are going to use can also be extremely useful before you go into these golf swing exercises.
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Golf Swing Aids Aren’t Effective If…

Golf swing aids are rampant! Every golfer has dozens of them gathering dust in their garages or closets. How many wives have threatened a “clearing out” of these contraptions? If you are feeling me…keep reading.

Have you purchased golf swing aids only to use them once or twice and not see improvement? Isn’t this an everyday occurrence for golfers? I see and hear this all the time, and yet golfers will continue to spend hundreds of dollars by the ‘latest/greatest’ gimmick.

I don’t know if they (golfers) think they will find the “one” training aid that will change their game forever; or they are just trying to take the easy way out?

Either way, the main reason most golf swing aids don’t help is because you are not working on what’s causing your swing faults. You! Your machine (body) dictates your outcome! There’s no way around it!

What your body is capable of in that moment is the result you’ll get.

How many times have you wished you could make a bigger backswing but can’t? How often do you walk off the course with a sore back? How many times did you have a good front nine only to blow up on the back nine and shoot your normal score?

The above results were because of the “physical” issues within your body. Until you realize this and take a different approach to your golf improvement program, you’ll be a frustrated golfer for a long time.

In my opinion, there are a couple of golf swing aids that are effective when you incorporate them with your new golf training program. One is the medicus. This is a fantastic golf swing aid that gives you instant feedback. Swing it too fast or out of plane and the shaft breaks at the hinge.

Another golf swing aid I like is the weighted golf club. I swing mine everyday and boy does it loosen me up and strengthen my golf swing muscles.

Other than the above golf swing aids, there are dozens and dozens of ones that are a total waste of money. Save your money and work on you! The sooner you do, the sooner you’ll stop buying the latest, greatest golf swing aids.
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Golf Sunglasses - Are You Wearing The Best Ones For You

When you think about golfing, it isn't just about the golf clubs and cart. It's not even just about the right golf pants and top. When you are on the golf course, you also need to have the best golf sunglasses for the occassion.

Out on the golf course, the best golf sunglasses serve more than one function. It isn't just about you being out there on the links, looking cool, trying to impress the drink cart girls with your sense of style. The golf sunglasses also protect your eyes from the harmful rays of the sun's glare.

If you have just spent a small fortune on having the right golf clubs, equipment and collared shirts to be seen with to go with your expensive country club membership, then you may not want to pay the high prices that are usually attached to the big-name designer brands in the world of sunglasses. Just because Oakley, Bolle and NYX attach hefty price tags to their merchandise, does not mean that you have to purchase them, unless of course, you have to have them and don't mind footing the bill.

Some of the best sunglasses, in this case, are the cheapest sunglasses. Cheap, though, doesn't neccesarily mean poorly made, hence poor quality. It doesn't have to be the very cheap $5 products that you can purchase at the local convenience store.

Technologically advanced, inexpensive golf sunglasses can still be found and just as comfortable and stylish as the brands that costs hundreds of dollars. Even the inexpensive brands can still be produced with the lightweight polycarbonate materials that makes them barely noticeable once you are wearing them on your face. These type of golf sunglasses can still be accompanied by special attachments which loop the sunglasses around your ears, making it almost impossible for you to lose them from your face, whilst you have a good hard hack at the golf ball.

From a health perspective, the most important thing for your eyes is that wearing the best golf sunglasses gives you lenses that will block out 100% of the suns deadly ultraviolet rays. So when it comes to purchasing your next sunglasses, make sure to look out for glasses that block but UVA and UVB. The higher the nanometer rating, the better.

Getting the right sunglasses now, for your game of golf, to take care of your eyes, means that there will be less to worry about in later life from eye diseases such as cataracts or other eye conditions.

On the positive side, you will now find that you have saved more money, giving you more cash in your pocket to spend on golf balls, golf equipment, green fees and of course to buy drinks for those drink cart girls that you have been looking at through your great new sunglasses.

So, don't forget, a brand name isn't the be-all and end-all of golf sunglasses. Sometimes, it is JUST A NAME!!
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Golf Stretching Secrets to Improve Performance

The trend in larger and therefore heavier club heads in recent years has made golf stretching secrets even more important to acquire.

To make matters worse for golfers not interested in embracing golf stretching secrets, golf is a game unlike other sports where continuous playing improves fitness and endurance. This is because the golf swing lasts only a second.

It is instructive that many golfers are yet to appreciate this rather important fact. This is the reason who they have found it very difficult to see any improvement in their game.

Still it is common to see golfers practice hitting the ball for hours on the course. The writing should really be on the wall by now. And that is it is unlikely to improve any golfer’s game if their body is not golf fit.

Muscles that are not fit will usually be flabby and stiff, making a good golf game virtually impossible because a golfer will tire easily and using the correct golf swing will be virtually impossible.

Learning golf stretching secrets should enable a golfer to do the right stretch exercises that will dramatically improve on their flexibility of the body and thus impact positively on their golf swing and all aspects of the game.

Golf stretching secrets include the fact that stretch exercises are critical in taking care of every golfer’s most important and critical piece of equipment.

And that is the body. The right stretch exercises will help the body cope with the golf game which is a physically demanding sport. It requires strength, endurance and muscular control to hit a golf ball at high speed and in the right direction, consistently on a golf course.

Learning the secrets of golf stretching will also allow a golfer to do the right warm up exercises even before they go onto serious stretching routines.

All this preparation means that the body will be ready to perform at its’ best and the results will clearly show the true value of golf stretching secrets.

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Golf Strength Training Slows The Aging Process

Golf strength training is critical in slowing down the effects of aging. Issues like rapidly declining strength, flexibility, and endurance. The number of golfers who are middle age or older is growing and they all want to play as long as possible.

In order to both slow the aging process AND play longer, you need adequate levels of strength, flexibility, and other physical abilities.

Golfers (and most others) lose as they age. The cause is quite simple. They do not partake in any form of golf strength training exercises to maintain the fitness levels they had early on in life.

It is NEVER too late to improve strength and flexibility. I have worked with golfers in person and via my websites that are in their 70’s and 80’s that have almost doubled their current strength and dramatically improved their flexibility (specific to golf).

Just by doing a simple golf strength training routine a couple of times a week, you will increase the level of strength and other important aspects, and not be as aware of the changes that come with aging. You can’t stop it, but you can slow it down and even reverse it depending on your current level of fitness.

One of the major areas most senior golfers lose…is the flexibility in their midsection (core), which is critical in generating power in the golf swing. As a result, the senior golfer will make a change in swing technique, rather than address the physical limation.

There are many senior golfers who can still play a good game of golf due to the fact of playing and practicing throughout the years…however their swing execution, power and overall consistency has been dramatically affected.

Therefore, it is critical for senior golfers to maintain or increase strength, flexibility, even balance and coordination to preserve the performance or level of golf they so yearn to achieve.

Given the above scenario, I hope you realize the importance of golf strength training.
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Golf Strength Training Exercise Is Not Body Building

Despite many reassurances, some amateur golfers still dread golf strength training exercises.

The problem would appear to be the presence of equipment like dumb bells in this sort of strength training. Not everybody is an exercise expert and therefore many people cannot tell the difference between body building exercise and strength building exercises.

The two are very different. They are so different that the difference can be compared to the difference there is between day and night.

Body building has got no part to play in golf strength training exercises. If anything this sort of exercise routine would damage a golfer’s game rather than improve it.

One of the effects of a body building exercise program that includes nothing else is that it causes the body to lose flexibility. Flexibility is very important in golf and that is precisely the reason why stretch exercises are a part of any good and genuine golf strength training exercise program.

In body building the emphasis is on lifting increasingly heavier weights so as to get the muscles to grow in size as quickly as possible. A body building program is usually rigorous and definitely not for everybody.

Muscle strength-building exercises using dumb bells are the exercises that are useful to golfers. Dumb bells play a huge role in golf strength training exercise programs. Only that the weight lifting program is very different from the one used in body building.

Much lighter weights are used and lifted up and down many more times than is the case in weight lifting. Still the sessions are much shorter than body building sessions.

Results have shown clearly that when this golf strength training exercise program is combined with stretch exercises, the improvement witnessed in any person’s game has to be seen to be believed. The results of golf strength training exercise programs are usually tremendous.
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Thursday, 6 September 2012

Golf Strength Exercises…Can You Benefit From Them

Golf strength exercises are a must for any golfer wanting to improve power output; decrease injury; improve accuracy and consistency, and slow the effects of the aging process for senior golfers.

There is more and more information coming out about golf strength exercises, but some of it is a bit misleading.  What constitutes golf strength exercises?  And what are the benefits of doing them once you recognize the difference between golf strength exercises and ‘general’ fitness exercises?

First off…a sport specific approach is needed.  In analyzing the physical requirements of the golf swing, we know several things right up front.

It takes place on your feet.  You are in a very dynamic and athletic body position (golf posture).  You maintain this position while you swing a 3 foot long lever at up to 100 mph. There is a definite sequence of motion required.  Maintaining balance, stability and coordination are a must.

Okay…now that we’ve ‘briefly’ recognized just some of the physical requirements for an optimal golf swing, what would be the approach to your golf improvement program?

Since the golf swing takes place on your feet, you would definitely want to do many of your exercises on your feet.  Doesn’t that make sense?  Since you are in a dynamic (golf posture) position, you would want to strengthen the muscles that help maintain this position.

Because golf is a turn back (rotation) and a turn through (rotation), you must focus on both core strength and flexibility from a rotational standpoint.  Not doing so, will slow your golf improvement and not give you the results you were hoping for.

Balance is critical to maintain a consistent swing with optimal mechanics, therefore you would want to challenge and improve your body awareness.  This entails doing exercises on unstable surfaces; isolating just one side of the body, then the other to balance it out; and using many different modes of resistance (for example bands, handweights, stability balls, medicine balls, and even body weight).

Along with balance is stability.  They go hand-in-hand, and in order to improve stability, you need to work on strengthening your lower body, specific to the dynamic movement of the golf swing.  This would be from a lateral (side-to-side) motion, to a definite rotational (turning) motion.  Training your lower body to improve stability is a must to produce repeatable shots.

We cannot ignore golf-specific flexibility in regards to utilizing golf strength exercises.  But the type of flexibility needed is once again, dynamic.  I hate to keep using that word, but the golf swing, is not like other athletic movements.  Being in golf posture and moving that club at up to 100 mph takes a tremendous amount of flexibility in the major joints of the body.

Stretches that are most effective are movement oriented stretches, not static (holding) stretches.  Improving your range of motion, with motion stretches is the only way to go.  Taking a look at body positions throughout the swing will give you a better idea of the types of movement stretches you need to do to maximize your body’s ability to produce consistent power.

None of the above can be attained sitting in a stationary machine in a gym.  I hate to burst your bubble.  Don’t get me wrong.  Any exercise is better than no exercise; but if you want to make better use of your time, you’ve got to participate in more golf strength exercises, than machine (general) exercise.

So next time a golfing buddy says he/she is training for golf; ask them what kind of exercises they are doing.  You’ll now know if they are truly golf strength exercises.
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Golf Stance…And Its Physical Requirements

Golf stance is one of the most ignored terms and issues in the golf swing and yet the golf stance dictates the success of every golf swing you make.

When golfers think of golf stance, they don’t realize how hard it is to maintain over 18 holes (four and a half hours). Just take a look at the position your body is in during your set up. There are many physical issues taking place, even though it is a static position at the start.

Let’s go over the physical requirements of the golf stance right now.

Bend At Hips To Address Golf Ball

To achieve this initial movement takes strength and flexibility in not only the lower back, but the hamstrings and core muscle groups. If these muscle groups are limited, you will have a very difficult time achieving this simple move.

Flex In The Knees

A combination of bending at the hips and knees allows you to get to the ball. The shorter the club, the more the bend at both the hips and knees. If your quadriceps are weak, you will have a very difficult time maintaining the proper knee flex therefore causing you to create in improper golf stance…resulting in mishits and lack of distance.

Ankle Flexion

Take a look at the ankle joint of any golfer. It is definitely bent (flexed) to accommodate the bending of the knees and hips. If your calf muscles are weak/or tight, you will find it very uncomfortable to stay down at the ball. I see so many golfers with tight calf muscles and they never even knew it.

Spine Extension (Erectness)

This is a BIGGY! How many times have you seen the golfer (maybe even you) in his/her golf stance with the dread ‘camels back?’ This is very common among older golfers and is a KILLER in the golf swing. I could (and probably will) write a complete article on this physical limitation. But the bottom line is a rounded (weak) upper spine will dramatically hinder your ability to make a full backswing. Result: very short drives and a lot of embarrassment.

I just briefly covered just a couple of physical requirements of the golf stance, but I hope you know see the importance of addressing your physical limitations to achieve the end result.

Longer drives, lower scores and beating the pants off your golfing buddies! Pay more attention to your golf stance!
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Golf Sponsorship

Contrary to what many people may believe, golf is a sport. It may be slow-paced and easy-going as compared to other bone-crushing and fast-paced games such as cricket, tennis, soccer etc. Two important requisites for golf are patience and practice. Many believe, golf is a game that can be appreciate by only the truly gifted people and ones that are enlightened enough to understand it. So if you consider yourself one of the above then you will realize that you will need a strong mind and a healthy and fit body.
Needless to say, as a budding professional golfer, you will require to practice as much as possible with the aim to improve your game and lower your handicap. This would require good quality equipment, a good coach, and lots of time and money. So if you are one of those talent golfers who enjoys playing golf not for building contacts and expanding network, but because you want to become a professional player then this article is for you. Often times, many talented people have been unable to achieve their dreams due to financial constraints. However, just as financial resources are necessary to succeed, so is the knowledge of how to secure effective sponsorships? This not just the tricky part, but also the difficult part. Where and how do you start, and how do you identify a company who would be willing to offer you golf sponsorship? Let’s find out.
There are many golf sponsorship companies that help golf pros and amateur golfers alike get sponsorship money in order to make the game a full-time career. These golf sponsorship companies offer several packages and range of services that can facilitate by helping upcoming golf players find golf sponsorships. Many of these golf sponsorship companies are run by professional and experienced golfers, and offer great insight in this matter. If you are a serious golfer and in need of golf sponsorship then you should consider hiring the services of one such reputable and experienced golf sponsorship agency that can help you achieve your career goal. Typically, the fee charged for such an endeavor depends on the package/service you opt for. However, many services start at $79.95, and help you be on your way to getting a sponsorship in golf.
Internet is a good place to search for golf sponsorship sites. All you need to do is type in the search term, such as ‘golf sponsorship’ in any of the big search engines such as or or and click on search. Browse through the search results and open websites that seem promising. Before choosing any golf sponsorship website/company you must try to find out their reputation and financial standing, besides of course, checking the authenticity of their claims. You can do this by speaking with some of their past clients or ask the company for references. Most of the golf sponsorship websites allow you to fill in your requirements online and contact you. Many even offer tips to help you attract golf sponsors!
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Golf Specific Weight Training...Don't Fear It

Golf specific weight training. The fascinating thing about golf-specific weight training is that despite the fear many golfers have of it, there is really nothing to be afraid of.

Why should there be any reason for fear when 80 year old persons are comfortably going through them. And what’s more is these elderly persons have quite often hailed the weight training as being responsible for the dramatic improvement in their game as well as the easing of nagging pains that usually do not respond to medication like back pains.

Junior golfers are also enthusiastically embracing golf specific weight training with similar results. Some of these kids are barely in their teens. But what has been even more amazing is the impact that the golf specific weight training has had on their golf game.

Many have been able to increase the distance of their drives by yards that are in the higher levels of a double digit figure.

Still this has not prevented golf specific weight training from being greatly feared amongst many golfers who have various excuses not to touch exercise. There are those who claim that weight training will give them bulging muscles and make them stiff when it is common knowledge that flexibility is very important in golf.

For these golfers, the mere mention of dumb bells sends shivers down their spines as they picture themselves struggling with heavy weights in some gym somewhere.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Golf specific weight training really involves strength training and not body building. As a result it involves the use of lifting lighter weights more repetitively.

The sort of light weights that teenagers and senior citizens alike do not have any problem handling.

Whether you dread it or not, the facts are that golf specific weight training is extremely important for any golfer.
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Golf Specific Fitness Is Underrated

Golf specific fitness is mainstream on tour! There is no way around it! To play your best, you’ve got to be in better golf shape! Golf is physical…and requires both dynamic strength and flexibility. Gone are the days of the 19th hole! That’s if you want to be top dog in your foursome. Instead of going to the 19th hole after your round, why not do some cool down stretches so you’re ready for the next round? I’m not saying you have to be a fanatic, but just realize there is a definite “physical component" to optimal golf performance. The demand on the body to swing a club at upwards of 100 mph and stay in your golf posture is huge. A golf specific fitness program incorporating golf exercise and golf stretching will maximize your body’s ability to produce awesome power where it counts…at impact! What is golf specific fitness? I can tell you it’s not going to a gym and doing a seated chest press. It’s not spending 2 hours everyday beating yourself up. It’s not lifting heavy weights. But it does require a commitment. Just like anything else worth achieving. That phrase, “if it were easy, everybody would be doing it” is so true. With over 70 million baby boomers who want to enjoy life, be healthier and a big majority of them playing golf…golf specific fitness “kills two birds with one stone”. A fitter, stronger body and an awesome golf game. What better way to spend your quality years? Golf specific fitness incorporates dynamic strength and flexibility; muscular endurance directly related to your golf swing; balance; coordination: stability; and a much improve sequence of timing to produce maximum power through the impact zone. Golf specific fitness does not require heavy weights, but improving your golf swing strength is always a goal. Being stronger in your golf swing takes a unique approach that is not accomplished with a general fitness program. The main focus should be on “rotational” strength and flexibility! The golf swing is a high-speed rotational movement. The goal for maximum distance is to create a higher level of torque and be able to store and unleash it at the right moment in time. This requires a major emphasis on core rotational movements with resistance. This is the ONLY way to improve your backswing AND follow through range of motion and power. These movements should be done sitting on a stability ball; standing erect; getting in your golf posture; and even on one leg. It kills me to see a trainer do a bicep curl with a golf client. This will NOT help your golf swing. Just take a look at the position your wrist is in doing a standard bicep curl. It’s turned out very awkwardly (and uncomfortably). Do you grip a golf club like this? Then why would you do this exercise? If you’re a golfer, you wouldn’t! How about a seated chest press on a machine? I’ve seen golfers in the gym doing this one. Golf is “on your feet”, using every major muscle group in your body in a certain sequence of motion. How would a “seated” chest press on a “controlled” machine help your golf swing? It wouldn’t! Golf specific fitness will get your body moving powerfully through your golf swing for 18 holes. Your swing will become more consistent. You will add a ton of yards to all your clubs…especially your driver. And your incident of injury will plummet. Isn’t this reason enough to get start on a program of golf specific fitness? Click for more information on Fly Fishing Readmore >> Click for more information The Ultimake Guide to Golf

Golf Specific Core Exercises Improve Your Drive Distance

What if I could give you three important exercises for golf and you were able to hit the ball further than you’ve ever hit it before? What if these exercises could be performed with a minimal investment of time and required no equipment. How about if I made it so simple and convenient you could simply perform them in the evening in the comfort of your own living space? What are you waiting for…let’s get started.

The golf swing starts with core stability, then adds in the elements of strength, flexibility, balance and coordination. Core conditioning is very important for a golfer because all movements in the upper and lower body are tied together, supported, and coordinated by your core.

The core is where the body's center of gravity is located, and it is where movement begins. Because all movement begins at the core and then progresses out to the arms and legs, core strength is essential. The core acts to produce force, it stabilizes the body to permit other musculature to produce force, and it's also called upon to transfer energy.

So, what types of equipment or tools are best to most effectively train this power region of the body? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not the machines in your gym. If you like the gym, then use the equipment that will provide the best results like pulley systems, free weights, and exercise/ medicine balls which provide far more neurological advantages than your typical exercise machine. Not only is the core challenged to fatigue with these alternatives to traditional machines, but you can recruit more muscle groups in two or three planes of motion compared to only one with machines.

Most people have a very weak core, and as a result, chronic posture problems. Over time, this creates wear and tear on the body. A golfer with a weak core is vulnerable to injury and will never be efficient in their swing. These weaknesses must be reversed in order to promote proper health and function. For now, let’s put the gym equipment at rest and get started with those simple, home based exercises and get ready to create some serious distance with those woods.

Crunch – Lie on the floor facing up with knees bent. Place your hands behind your head or across your chest and crunch forward. Contract the abdominals to raise the shoulders off the floor, pause and lower. You may also try this exercise on a Swiss ball.

Twisting crunch – Identical to the crunch except as you crunch up you rotate the shoulders to alternating sides. Don’t forget to contract your abdominals.

Plank - Begin by lying on your stomach with legs extended. Place elbows directly beneath your shoulders with hands reaching forward. Push your body up onto your toes and elbows. Pull navel up and towards your spine. Do not allow your low back to drop towards the floor. Try and hold this position for 30 seconds to start.

Strengthen your core region for golf and add an extra 20 yards to your drive distance. Perform these three exercises several times weekly and you'll see your hard work pay off in longer length off the tee.
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Golf Show in London

As of this Thursday, April 27, ExCeL London is hosting the second London Golf Show. This event is a great opportunity for golfers and golf enthusiasts to come from all over and enjoy a celebration of this wonderful sport. This show will be divided into several different areas, each of which will be home to a different aspect of the golfing life. There will be hundreds of shops, activities, and events to partake in and truly has something for everyone that is in any way a fan of golf.

As far as shops for various golf related items there is certainly no shortage and you will be able to find fantastic deals on incredible products. Direct Golf UK, a leading company in the sales of golf equipment will be running a shop where both golf players and lovers will find fantastic things to buy. Clubs of all sorts will be on sale, both woods and irons, as well as a multitude of other golf equipment that will greatly improve your playing experience. Several novelty items will also be available for purchase including golfing books, novelty DVDs, and personalized and signed accessories. As far as clothing, several popular brands will be on site offering the latest in golfing apparel. Both international and British brands will be available for purchase and fashions shows will be going on daily to exhibit the newest fashions of the season.

There will also be a section focused on the best golfing destinations, highlighting courses both in the vicinity of London as well as around the world. Detailed information, will be outlined for each course as well as both its positive and negative aspects, helping you choose where to next take a swing. If you are looking for information on courses outside of the UK information is also available for the best golfing resorts around the world. Information is also available for those looking to buy property near the most spectacular courses worldwide.

A large floating green is also on site where golfers can show off their skills alongside several celebrities who will be present at the event. An indoor chipping area is also open for lessons, competitions, and golfing demos as well as a driving range where you can try out drivers you may be interested in buying. Dave Edwards will also be on site offering daily demos and showing off his incredible abilities. For a little refreshment several bars and small places to eat are on site as well as the sure to be popular 19th Hole.

This golfing extravaganza will be open from Thursday the 27th through Sunday the 30th at the following hours: from 12 pm to 8 pm on Thursday, 10 am through 6 pm on both Friday and Saturday, and final from 10 am until 5 pm on Sunday. The cost is £12.50 with an advanced booking or £15 at the door and children under 16 will pay £8 in advance or £10 at the door. At these incredibly low prices there is absolutely no excuse for missing this event if you are in any way a fan of the game. The opportunities to improve your game are endless and you are sure to have a fantastic time while doing so.
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Golf Shops

Golf is a game that one can learn easily if one has enough determination and can invest in the right equipment. Beginners or professionals in the sport of golf should always use the best that is available which can be purchased from a reputable store and the best place to get it is in golf specialty shop. Places like these have everything from golf clubs, to balls, to shoes and clothes which are the essentials when one is an enthusiast of walking the green.

If one is not sure where to find one, that person can check the local directory or go online since there are many websites that offer brand new and second equipment that a person who is just a beginner or an expert can choose from and buy. All it takes is putting it in ones shopping basket, giving some credit card details then after a few days, it will be delivered so the person can bring it to the club and start having fun.

Should the person still have a hard time in looking for a specialty shop, one can ask people for directions on how to get there. Some of these places can be a bit more expensive than others so before buying anything, one should check out the other stores and look for bargains before making any decisions.

There are many brands in the sport of golf and if the person has a hard time picking a certain item, one can ask the assistance of the sales person who will be able to tell which are the best selling items and the benefits and features of each.

Having the right set of clubs is the determining factor which will tell whether a person will do well in a tournament or not. Since this is very important, one should take the time to feel the grip of each model available first in the store so one will be able to choose the right set that the person can use and will feel comfortable with when playing in the green.

Playing golf is being with nature. It makes one get up early in the morning while the sun isn’t out yet and enjoying the game in the company of people from work or with friends. By having the right equipment on hand, it will make the person enjoy the game which provides a great escape from the pressures of the city.
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