Monday, 30 July 2012

5 Tips on Choosing the Best Golf Sunglasses

One thing that is often overlooked by golfers is finding the right pair of golf sunglasses. Finding the best golf sunglasses for you is very important for ensuring optimal vision and achieving your top game.
    * Polarization - The most important factor in choosing the best golf sunglasses for you should be how much of the suns harmful UV rays they block. Ideally the best golf sunglasses will block out 100% of the UV rays without limiting your vision. Most manufactures will rate how much UV rays they block with a nanometer chart. The higher the nanometer rating the better.
    * Weight- The second most crucial factor in choosing the best golf sunglasses is the weight. Having a bulky pair of golf sunglasses can shift too much or even fall off when swinging a club, completely distracting your focus. These days there is an abundance of golf sunglasses made out of technologically advanced lightweight materials. The best golf sunglasses should be so light you barely notice them on your face.
    * Style- This factor may be at the top of the list for some in choosing the best golf sunglasses for them. After all, impressing the drink cart girls with your sense of style is pretty important. Some guys can pull off just about any look, but when shopping for the best golf sunglasses you should try a lot of different models on to make sure you don’t choose a style that doesn’t work for you. In finding the best golf sunglasses you will want to find which frame type and lens shape fits your face the best.
    * Price – Although some golfers spend enough money to feed a small village on golf gear, obtaining the best golf sunglasses for you doesn’t have to break the bank. Surprisingly, some of the best golf sunglasses we’ve come across are some of the most economically priced.
    * Where to buy- Typically golfing sunglasses can be overpriced at country club supply shops.

5 Golf Facts That Will Change Your Game

Are you seeing the same decrease in your handicap that reflects your hard work and efforts? Do you consistently fall short on your drives or feel exhausted at the end of 18 holes? Do you carry the disappointment of a missed putt over into the next hole? If you are plagued with problems like these then it is time to give your golf game a boost. Change your golf game for the better by focusing on the following five areas: flexibility, strength, endurance, nutrition, and mental toughness.
Have you ever rushed to the golf course, quickly stepped up to the tee and felt stiff when you swung your golf club? Warming up your muscles can help relieve stiffness, but it is better to be more proactive in your approach. Therefore, it is essential to stretch on a regular basis. This allows you to increase and maintain your flexibility. You only need a small investment of your time in order to see significant gains in your range of motion.
Have you incorporated strength training into your exercise routine? Many golfers are tempted to swing as hard as possible when hitting the golf ball. There are several adverse side effects of doing this. Your muscles may not be physically prepared for the intense strain and you may become injured. Increasing strength will enable your body to tackle the demands of the golf swing and prepare it for the action ahead.
Do you lose your intensity or feel tired after a few holes? If so, then focus on your endurance. At first glance, golf may not appear to be a game in which aerobic fitness is necessary. However, golfers that walk the course can walk nearly five miles over the course of 18 holes. Try to work in 20-45 minutes, 3-5 days per week of cardiovascular activity.
Your body needs the proper fuel to work efficiently. Common sense dictates that loading up on junk food is a bad idea. So what exactly should you eat? An optimal sports nutrition menu plan will include high quality carbohydrates, lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and plenty of water.
Are you still thinking about the drive you sliced on the first hole as you set up to tee off at the second hole? This negative thought pattern will adversely affect your game. How you perceive the situation affects each shot. One way to increase your mental toughness is not to relive missed shots. Visualize a good shot to help erase the missed shot from your mind.
Take these five facts into account and you’ll likely see better results with your game. It will take some time to make these activities a habit, but will be well worth the effort.

4 Ways to Beat the Long Hitter

How to beat the golfer that bombs the ball 300 plus yards

1.  Hit it straight
Nothing gets inside a long hitters head faster then a fairway hitting opponent.  Chances are the long hitter is not the most accurate driver of the golf ball, keep the heat on by hitting the fairway as much as possible. If you have to use a hybrid club or a iron off the tee to keep the ball in the fairway, the mental edge of hitting the fairway outweighs the loss of distance.

2. Hit the green
Most of if not all of the time you will be hitting first, keep the heat on by hitting the green  If he knows you are looking at birdie putts all day, it starts to wear on him

3. Have a good short game
The short game is the true equalizer on the golf course.  If you have a sharp short game you can compete against any golfer on the planet.

4.  Ignore his distance
Accept the fact the he hits the ball 50 to 60 yards past you.  If you accept the fact that distance doesn't matter, you will have another psychological advantage.  What difference does it make if he is hitting a pitching wedge and you are hitting a 7 iron for your second shot?  Golf is all about getting the ball in the hole in the fewest strokes, not how you got the ball in the fewest strokes.

When you are playing a match against a long hitter, and lets face it, with the technology in golf clubs, golf balls, strength training and nutrition, guys are hitting the ball 300 plus yards on a regular basis.  The fact still remains that when you are on the golf course you are walking (or riding) with a bag of  tools.  It is just a matter of using the right tool for task at hand.  Does it really matter what club it takes you to hit a golf ball 150 yards?  Weather it's a 6, 7,8 or 9 iron should not matter to you, and your opponents club selection should be the last thing from your mind during a match.

The pride of the long hitters game is hitting it long, so the fact that you can compete with him without having to hit the 300 yard drives is already a advantage in your favor if you choose to look at it that way. As a short hitter you should focus on keeping the pressure on as much as possible.  The four steps that I have outlined will give you the mental edge that you need to negate the long drives that your opponent is blasting past you.
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4 Important Factors That Affect Your Golf Swing

Do you know the 4 important factors that affect your golf swing? Knowing what they are and interpeting them can help you adjust your swing to start hitting straight and true.
In the game of golf, no two people ever have the same golf swing. Each person has their own individual body with its own strengths, flexiblity and range of motion. The way one person swings a golf club may not work for another person, even if they are near in body types. Every golfer has to find the playing style that fits them to help them produce the results that they want. Players that know what is going to happen to the ball when they hit it, and what factors affect that moment of impact can effectively use their body to create the consistent powerful golf swing that they desire.

One thing that can help all golfers make immediate and positive improvements on their game is an understanding of the factors that affect the golf ball at the moment of impact by the golf club. Knowing what these factors are and how they affect the ball will enable you to understand what happens at the moment of impact and interpret the golf balls flight. When you understand what occurs and why, you can then make small adjustments to your swing and then see the effects on the next shot. The flight of the golf ball will tell you whether you were correct in your personal assessment and you made a good change towards a better golf swing. If you made a change that made the shot worse than before, all you should have to do is undo that change to your swing.

The moment of impact (ideally the golf club sweet spot hitting the ball) is a combination of four factors that will ultimately determine what direction and how far the ball will travel. The golf ball will react to these factors regardless of how they occur. The first important factor that affects your golf swing is the angle of the clubface at the moment of impacting the ball. The position of the clubface at the moment of impact is the most important factor influencing the initial direction and the spin of the ball. The clubface must point in the direction of the target you’ve chosen farther down the course. If the clubface is straight and perpendicular to the golf ball at the moment of impact, it will travel straight down the course with no spin.

The second factor at the moment of impact is the angle of the clubhead with relation to the golf ball. There is the horizontal angle of impact and vertical angle of impact, both of which are combined to determine the initial direction of the ball and the height of the golf balls flight path. The horizontal angle of impact determines the initial direction that the ball will travel. The vertical angle of impact will determine how high the ball will fly. Too low or too high and you lose distance in your shot.

Thirdly, the clubface must hit the ball on the sweet spot. The sweet spot is the area on the face of the golf club that will transfer the power of your golf swing to the golf ball. Transferring this power effectively will maximize its potential and carry the ball far and straight down the course (as long as the angle of the clubface and the club head at the moment of impact are good).

Lastly, the fourth factor that is important at the moment of impact is the the club head. The speed of your golf swing will determine how much power you transfer to the golf ball and ultimately how far it will go when you hit it on the sweet spot. The speed or power of the golf swing is not dependent on muscles alone. Other factors such as body flexibility and range of motion affect how a golfer employs those muscles in creating a fluid smooth swing.

The golf swing is not just picking up a golf club and trying to blast the ball down the course. It is a combination of many factors that if you can interpret, you can influence by making adjustments to your swing. Knowing what causes the golf ball to travel as it does will allow you to improve your golf swing and gain distance and accuracy on your shots. However, knowing the cause that produces an effect, and affecting that cause to produce the desired effect are two different things, both of which can be learned over time and with practice.
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Sunday, 29 July 2012

3 Sure Fire Ways to Generate More Power off the Tee

Power can be elusive to golfers. Is true power generated through technique, strength or something more? Every golfer wants more power, more distance, more consistency. Here are 3 ways to generate the kind of power you have only dreamed of…until now.
Power can be elusive to golfers. Is true power generated through technique, strength or something more? Every golfer wants more power, more distance, more consistency. Here are 3 ways to generate the kind of power you have only dreamed of…until now.
1. Spinal Rotation. Every time you swing the golf club, you rotate around your spine. So, what does this have to do with power? Power is generated every time you stabilize your hips to make a full backswing with spinal rotation. Most golfers have heard of the X factor. This, of course, refers to the differential between the movement in your hips and your spine. Increase your spinal rotation and a new sense of power will be released.
2. Core Based Exercises. Your body's "core", the area around your trunk and pelvis, is where your center of gravity is located. When you have good core stability, the muscles in your pelvis, lower back, hips and abdomen work in harmony. They provide support to your spine. The core is the power zone. It is where all movement begins. A well-developed core allows for improved force output, increased neuromuscular efficiency, and decreased incidence of overuse injuries. A weak core can make you susceptible to poor posture and injury.
3. Plyometrics. Plyometrics are any exercise where the muscle is contracted eccentricly then immediately, concentricly. Put simply, the muscle is stretched (i.e. loaded) before it is contracted. A good example is medicine ball horizontal twists and standing golf swings. According to a recent study published in the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s (NSCA) journal, amateur golfers significantly increased their driving distances after just eight weeks of strength training while incorporating plyometrics. Mean driving distance increased 4.3% for the combined training group, with mean club head speed increasing 1.5%.
Once you incorporate these 3 techniques into your exercise program, you’ll never be disgruntled about driving distance or power generation again.
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3 Ways To Maximize On The Effectiveness Of A Golf Instruction Video

Golf instruction videos featuring techniques and tips from leading world class players are very common these days.

Still there are very few people who can claim to have had their games improved by a golf instruction video. So here are three tips to help you ensure that you reap maximum fruits from every golf instruction video that you ever get to watch.

1) Watch the golf instruction video several times

Some people watch golf instruction videos to try and get a single Magic formula that will revolutionize their game. They do not realize that the valuable nuggets in these videos are hidden in the many small things you need to do which add up to a great improvement in your game.

This is why it is very important to watch the video several times. At least twice.

2) Get webcam shots of yourself playing and compare your posture and positioning to what you see in the golf instruction video

It may not be very easy to tell what is wrong with your golf swing for example or how to correct it without taking a very close look at your game.

The best way to do this is to get somebody else to take webcam shots of you on the course as you play. When you watch these alongside the golf instruction videos, it will be very easy for you to tell where your problem areas are and what you need to do to correct them.

3) Do golf-specific exercises to condition your body and muscles

Thirdly you will need your body and the relevant muscles to co-operate with our mind as you try to implement what you have seen on the golf instruction video.

One of the most effective ways of doing this is by getting involved in a golf-specific exercise program to tone and strengthen all the ‘golf muscles’ in your body. This way, they’ll be nothing to stop you from reaping maximum benefits from every golf instruction video you watch.
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3 Tips to Improve Your Golf Swing

Having a good swing needs constant practice. Also, your body needs to be well tuned up for it to perform well. Here are some basic tips to help you improve your golf swing and may help you shoot in the 90s or even 80s.

Do you have a favorite golf player? Is it Tiger Woods or Ernie Els? Have you ever thought that your swing looks like theirs? Woods and Els are two great golf players. When you watch them play, you will definitely notice their graceful and powerful swings. Honestly, it is difficult to imitate that just by watching.

Having a good swing needs constant practice. Also, your body needs to be well tuned up for it to perform well. Here are some basic tips to help you improve your golf swing and may help you shoot in the 90s or even 80s.

1. Warm up. Just like any other game or sport, golf players need a little warming up before starting a round. This is what most players, especially amateurs, often take for granted.

It is best to come early at the golf course and take a few minutes to stretch those muscles and warm up. This will make your muscles "know" that they are in for something and that they should be prepared. Taking a few swings in the driving range will also help you get tuned up and perform better.

2. Exercise. This is really important, not only for golf. Constantly exercising your body and muscles will keep them toned and ready for any activity. This will also prevent common body aches and pains that you usually feel when playing golf.

Getting into the habit of exercising, especially tuning up your muscles will have a great impact on your swing. It will help you have a good stance and increase total balance and control on your swings.

3. Do not swing too hard yet. It is really tempting to give your swing that extra effort. However, it is not recommended unless you already have the control of your swing. The key to a powerful and graceful swing is the balance and control that you have, add to it the proper form and stance.

So how do you get to learn to control your swing? Again, it's tip number 2. Regular exercise will, in time, allow you to have a faster, more controlled swing.

Aside from these simple steps to do, it is also best to ask help from the pros, personally or thru online methods. They can give good advices as they already have learned a lot from their experiences. Keeping updated with the latest about golf will also help.

Also, most players tend to be so conscious in their desire to improve their swing that their minds are focused on every aspect of the swing itself; doing that will only make your swing look awkward. Instead, it is best to keep your mind off your swing. Try to focus on something else and the good swing will just follow.

Try to do these things when you play golf again. And do these regularly, then notice the change it will make on your next golf swing.

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Saturday, 28 July 2012

3 Key Elements to a Golf Specific Fitness Program

Many of the top touring professionals know that winning on the tour today takes much more than a great game of golf. It means understanding every aspect of their physical and mental being and what factors influence their performance. Gain a competitive edge in your next round by integrating these three key elements into your current fitness program.
 Many of the top touring professionals know that winning on the tour today takes much more than a great game of golf. It means understanding every aspect of their physical and mental being and what factors influence their performance. Gain a competitive edge in your next round by integrating these three key elements into your current fitness program.

Specific to golf – Get rid of the traditional gym machines which focus on isolating specific muscle groups and require no stabilization work by additional muscle groups.  Integrate some old and new fitness tools which allow you to move your body in a more functional setting. These include cable machines, fitness balls, medicine balls, balance disks, traditional dumbbells and don’t forget about the power of using your own bodyweight.
Increase Core Stability – More efficient movement creates more efficient power. Golfers maintain an athletic posture over long periods of time and require both trunk and core stabilization and endurance. By increasing your strength and endurance in the core region of your body, you provide both a solid base of support for rotation in addition to the proper transfer of power throughout the body.
Vary your Planes of Motion during Exercise - A golf fitness program will have varying planes of motion as part of your weekly strength routine. Planes of movement include front to back motions, left to right and rotational exercises. Some good examples include multi-directional lunges and medicine ball wood chops.
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Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Golf Tips

People are always on the lookout for tips to make their golf game better.  Golf isn’t an easy sport to master.  Those of us who love the game know that the more information you have regarding the swing, course management, putting, etc. the more chance you have of playing better.  That’s why we will take golf tips from almost anyone who’s willing to offer.
So what kind of golf tips can we offer up in this article?  Space is limited, so we’ll try to focus only on those tips that are most asked for.  First, if you have a bad temper, you probably shouldn’t take up golf.  We’re just kidding, really.  Actually, golf can be good for your mental state.  You may find that you can take out your frustration on the golf course in productive ways and perhaps you can gain better control of that temper!

Since most people have trouble with their setup, our first set of golf tips will deal with the setup. 

Friday, 20 July 2012

Golf Channel

With the ever-rising popularity of the game of golf, mainstream television decided they needed to cash in on the golf craze and founded The Golf Channel.  The history of this cable phenomenon is really a storied one.
In 1990, cable and cellular entrepreneur Joseph Gibbs of Birmingham, Alabama, offered to host a professional golfer for the 1990 PGA Championship.  Mr. Gibbs was ecstatic to learn he would be hosting Arnold and Winnie Palmer during the week of the tournament.  A friendship was instantly born and as the friendship blossomed so did the discussion of a 24-hour cable network devoted entirely to golf.

After conducting a Gallup survey to determine public interest, Joe Gibbs was pleased to realize that there was a strong interest for a golf channel among the general public.  The successful entrepreneur and the golf legend were convince that The Golf Channel would flourish with offerings for the golf-loving viewer.
By 1995, the new corporation had raised over $80 million to finance and launch The Golf Channel.  It debuted with less than 1,000 cable subscribers.  The Golf Channel’s first live televised tournament was the Dubai Desert Classic which debuted on January 19, 1995.
Since then, The Golf Channel has grown by leaps and bounds in popularity.  Many cable and satellite dish systems now carry The Golf Channel as part of their regular lineup of channels.  It is now broadcast in Japan and Canada and in 1999, reached a “break even” status on their financial statements.
Today, The Golf Channel is considered the place to go for golf news and programming.  They have a daily golf news show called “Golf Central” along with “College Central” which is dedicated to college golf.  They air highlight shows of past tournaments and have many programs with professionals handing out golf tips to the eager viewer.
Not to be left behind with the reality TV phenomenon, The Golf Channel has joined in with their reality-based program called “The Big Break”.  This program was designed to help aspiring professionals gain exemptions into PGA Tour and LPGA events.  It has proven to be wildly successful.
In 2005, The Golf Channel helped set up a special match play event called Big Stakes Golf, in which teams of two paid a $100,000 entry fee to play in a special tournament where the winning team split a $3,000,000 first-place prize, the largest in golf history. In the end, mini-tour professionals Garth Mulroy and David Ping won the grand prize.
Two guys had a dream – one with business savvy, and one with golf savvy – and when The Golf Channel was born, that dream became a reality.  Many households depend on The Golf Channel for their daily golf news – and this author’s household is no different.  We love The Golf Channel – and you will too!

Stun And Amaze Your Golf Buddies! Easy Golf  Tips and Secrets that can lower your score.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

Golf Ball

Casual golfers don’t give a lot of thought to choosing the right golf ball.  They think of the golf ball as simply a tool that really isn’t important.  After all, you’re just whacking it around the course, right?  Wrong!  Having the right golf ball can gain you distance in your drives, make it easier to pull off finesse shots, and so much more!
Basically, there are three types of balls:  balata, two-piece, or a combination of both.  Golf balls are constructed with three types of purposes in mind as well:  distance, spin, and control.  Choosing an appropriate golf ball really depends on what you are looking for in your golf game.

Are you a low handicap player looking for great spin and control?  If so, choose a balata golf ball.  This is just a softer ball that has a softer cover and allows for more spin.  This is the ball that most professionals choose.  They are also more expensive than other balls.
Perhaps you have a higher handicap and are looking for more distance and durability.  This is where a good two-piece ball will be best.  This golf ball has a harder cover which creates less backspin allowing you to hit it further.
Some golf balls are designed for slower swing speeds with a lightweight construction that catches air.  They are generally marketed for women or seniors, but plenty of men will play these balls because it gets them extra distance.
Believe it or not the weather you are playing in can make a difference in which golf ball you use.  Course conditions can also dictate golf ball choice.  Let’s say the course has been deluged with rain.  In this case, you will need a ball that will travel father and produces less spin.  If you are playing on a rock hard, sun-scorched track, choose something softer that will land soft and spin.
Look at the temperature as well.  Balls for men come in two compressions – 90 and 100.  When you hit the ball, the ball compresses.  Therefore the 90 compression ball will be softer than the 100.  If it’s cold, the ball will not compress as much so you will want to play a 90 compression golf ball.  If it’s hot out, you will want to opt for the 100 compression.
In general, two piece balls are going to give you more distance and they will be more durable so they will last longer.  Solid core golf balls will offer less trajectory and can spin for better accuracy.  Even the dimples on the ball can have an effect on your game.  Smaller dimples lessen trajectory while larger dimples increase it.
Choosing the right golf ball really is important to playing a good game.  There are many, many choices on the market.  Explore which golf ball you may want to use and then try it out.  Experiment and in time, you’ll find exactly the right golf ball for you. 